
    Judges on Leave

    Serial No. NAME OF JUDICIAL OFFICER On leave from On leave till Nature Of Leave
    1Sri. Kiran Kumar D. Wadigeri06/09/202408/09/2024GH & Holiday declared by HCK with permission to leave the HQ
    2Smt. Nivedita Mahantesh Munavallimath06/09/202409/09/2024CL, GH & Holiday declared by HCK with permission to leave the HQ
    3Sri. Sharath Kumar K.S06/09/202408/09/2024GH & Holiday declared by HCK with permission to leave the HQ
    4Smt. Chethana06/09/202408/09/2024GH with permission to leave the HQ
    5Sri. Nagendra06/09/202408/09/2024GH with permission to leave the HQ
    6Sri. Raghu M06/09/202408/09/2024GH with permission to leave the HQ
    7Smt. Kavyashree M.04/09/202408/09/20241/2 day CL on the A/N of 04.09.2024, CL, GH & Holiday declared by HCK with permission to leave the HQ